Excursion to Aix-en-Provence for the opening of the opera season, "La Traviata" en plein air with the London Symphony Orchestra.
"On Tuesday, we traveled to the city of Aix in the South of France. When we arrived we divided up into groups and were allowed to wander the city's old and beautiful streets for hours, window shopping in the process, being mesmerized by the high priced French merchandise. Near nine o'clock we gathered together to hear the start of the city's music festival, which began with the London Symphany Orchastra playing excerts from an opera, performed by professional singers. The music took place in the middle of a gorgeous street that was centuries old, creating a music hall with the trees that grew and created a roof by leaning in towards each other. After an hour and a half of listening to the beautiful music, the group agreed that it was certainly one of the most magical things they had ever witnesssed." -Geoffrey Cook
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