Language, culture, and art immersion in the south of France with the Barat Foundation.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bastille Day in Avignon

" Today was Bastille day which is equivalent to the forth of July in America. In the morning we watched a documentary about the French revolution and I learned a ton. For instance I learned that Bastille day is named after the storming of Bastille where the revolutionaries were able to get gun powder which marked the official beginning of their revolution. Bastille Day in Avignon was an amazing breath taking experience. It was very crowded and you could tell that every single person there was happy and wanted to be there. When walking down the streets there was so much going on, from actors promoting their plays, to mimes, to break-dancers, to singers and many more. As night fell we headed over to the African craft market where you could find anything you could imagine, literally. There was a huge ferris wheel that some of us went on right as the sun was setting. Everytime we came around to the top the sky would be a different color. It was a great night. At first I was sad to miss the 4th of July back home but Bastille Day definitely made up for it. " -DeAndre Dymski Beaver Country Day School

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